WB 15.6.2020

Hello Year 1. Here is the work for this week. I have split it up into days to make it more printer friendly.:) monday 15.6.20 Friday 19.6.20 Wednesday 17.6.20 Tuesday 16.6.20 Thursday 18.6.20  

WB 8.6.20

Hello Year 1! I hope you are enjoying your work. This week I have split it up into days so its more printer friendly. :)Monday 8.6.20 Friday 11.6.20 Wednesday 10.6.20 Tuesday 9.6.20 Thursday 11.6.20

WB 8.6.20

Hello Year 2! Here is the work for this week. Enjoy 🙂 KS1 History Civil Rights Movement Art with Mr Rodgers planning-Year-2- 8 6 Mr Rodgers Design Technology Mr Rodger geog Mr Rodger colour science

WB 1.6.2020

Hello Year 1! I hope you all had a great half term! here is your work from the year 1 team. planning-WB 1.6.20 Year 1

WB 1.6.2020

Hello Year 2! I hope you are all enjoying the weather. Here is your work for the week from your favourite teachers! Monday Mr R Science Tuesday Mr R Geog Thursday Mr R DT Wednesday Mr R Hist Friday Art Mr R Planning Year 2 1.6.2020